Heat Panels

Heat Panels


ESAF srl is a specialist in the production and sale of heat panels, suitable for any type of environment and use. The company in Milan, in fact, is specialised in the thermoregulation and thermoconduction sectors, investing its resources in technological upgrades, with a keen eye on market innovation.

Customers who turn to ESAF are provided with solutions of quartz or ceramic infrared heating systems, flat or curved, depending on their specific needs. These heating elements, integrated to the panel, generate infrared rays by converting electric energy into heat with an efficiency that can reach 90%.


The heating systems with low consumption heating panels, can be placed in the floor, wall or ceiling, depending on specific needs.

Made with components provided by ESAF they ensure high thermal performance and are able to combine functionality, convenience, technology and design.

Like other electric thermoconvectors, this equipment does not require any special maintenance and has low installation costs. They are suitable for heating any indoor environment, also very large ones.


ESAF is also able to provide custom-made heat panels, with different powers depending on the types of uses.

Also with regards to infrared heaters, in ESAF’s warehouse you’ll find products of various colours depending on the temperature, including black ones for maximum emissions.

Consult our online showcase to check product availability or contact the Milan office.


riscaldatori ad infrarossi con pannello


Curved or flat infrared ceramic heaters, in various colours depending on the temperature, black for maximum emissions. Quartz infrared heaters and heat panels.

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